About: Sarah Short

Recent Posts by Sarah Short

Drug and Alcohol Testing

The abuse of drugs, alcohol and other substances can be detrimental to workplaces in terms of health, work performance and safety. It might, once upon a time, have been seen as relaxing to have a tipple after work, but in recent years there has been a rise in the importance of occupational health and welfare of staff. As we stated in a previous blog, regular alcohol

Lung Function Testing in Bakery, Chemical, Powder Coating and Spray Shop Environments

Lung Function Testing is important for many reasons and it is mandatory for workplaces that involve exposure to hazardous substances. We have already blogged about the advantages of Lung Function Testing in our blog post, Lung Function Testing: What You Need To Know. If you are ready to move onto the specifics in the chemical, baking, powder coating and spray shop environments, read on. Lung Function Testing

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